Monday, 6 June 2011

My feet

     It was my feet in last semester.  My left feet was burned by hot water.  When I wear my flops, the hot water put on my feet and marked it.  I could not walk anymore, so everyday I need use elevator for go to class room, and my friends pushed my going to treated my feet.
This pic showed after I went to the some hosptal see doctor and had luch, I waited for Taxi.
This pic show I went to art activity.  I set on the handrail because I could not work.
This was my feet in last semester.  I was burned my left feet by hot water. 
 When wear my flops, the hot water put on my feet, so I could not walk and my feet had a flop mark on my


Here was Stanly Park.  My school mates and I had been here beacaus we jioned in the activety that rode bicycle around of Stany Park.  We need two hours ride bicycle for around of the park.  The pic show a beach in Stanly Park.  When we had rest, and we went to the beach and took pic. 

A Supperhouse

     In two semesters ago, I was walked around of the ocean, and I found it that the house on the truck.  I think it was very romantic beacause you could  with you lover go where do you want to go.  You could cook , take  a bath in the house.  It was amazing.

Working Hard

My cousin moved to a new home, and his home need a new dest for TV standing.  I went to a house furnishings market and bought the dest.  I walked for 2km and kept the action.  When I was back home, my neck would be broken.

My Room of Bodwell Highschool

This was my room which was dom.  I had live in here for three semesters.  It was a nice room, and it was for two people live.  It could show me the beatiful ocean.  Every morning there were sunlight from the window shooting.

Those pic was what I saw from my window.   The opposide is downtown, and there were many ship between the strait.  It was amazing.

A Nice Night

    This pic show my hometown classmate and teacher.  There were 20 students and  4 teachers.  We were celebrating new years of  China.  There were not uniform in my school, and people can wear what do you want in class.  We were celebaring in my class room.  It was good a party.
This was the game for eat the apple.

The fat guy was the Santa Claus.  

My sunshine style

     My friends and I went to the Park Royal Ocean.  We went to swim.  The sea was very cold , even the temperature was very high.  I wear my pink swimming trunks, sunglasses and sleep shoses.  I thingk I look like from Hawaii.